联邦退税 (Federal Tax Credits for New All-Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles)
Federal Tax Credit Up To $7,500!
网站: https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/taxevb.shtml
大家注意:是Up to $7500. 每款车的退税金额不等。您买的车款如果车厂配额(manufacturer cap)已经满了,就没有退税了。上面网站列表很详尽,大家看仔细了。加州人民钟爱的特斯拉的配额 (Manufacturer cap) 早就met 了。2020 年1月1号以后就没有联邦退税了。所以近两年买特斯拉的车主拿不到联邦退税。
拜登总统2022年8/16签署的通膨法案会不会把车厂的manufactuer cap (配额)从新reset 目前还不清楚。要以晚些时候IRS 出来的新的指导为依据。
如果有VIN number, 可以直接查看车的组装地。
加州政府退税 (California Clean Vehicle Rebate Project)- CVRP
Rebate 金额 $1000 到$7000 不等。包括 electric, plug-in hybrid electric and fuel cell vehicles。
这个rebate 有收入限制。一家两口联合报税收入金额超过二十万就不qualify了。
加州政府退税 (California Clean Fuel Reward)
网站: https://cleanfuelreward.com/
每辆电车可以claim $750。2022年program fund已经发完了。2023年是否继续目前不确定。大家可以关注。
加州政府退税 (Vehicle Retirement Consumer Assistance Program) - 旧车抵免补助
网站: https://bar.ca.gov/consumer/consumer-assistance-program/
Retire 旧车可以申请$1000-$1500 rebate. 有收入限制。月收入$5000以下可以申请试试。网上有calculator.
湾区奖励政策 (Clean Cars for All) - 以旧换新奖励
网站: https://www.baaqmd.gov/funding-and-incentives/residents/clean-cars-for-all/program-overview
可以申请到up to $8500 award. 有收入限制。需要申请。
湾区奖励政策 (Driving Clean Assistance Program) - DCAP 基金
网站: https://communityhdc.org/dcap/
The Community Housing Development Corp. (CHDC) is providing grants up to $5,000 for new and used plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) and battery electric vehicles (BEV) with less than 75,000 miles to eligible residents in all Bay Area counties.
DCAP is a financial education and down payment assistance program for clean energy vehicles offered to low-income families/individuals. We offer two services: a grant of up to $5,000 (amount depends on income level and the vehicle type) and financing of up to $30,000. An applicant may apply for just one service or both.
有收入限制。四口之家年收入不能超过$111,000.00. 今年基金已经发放完毕。如果您的收入符合标准,可以持续关注。
上面的清单我们会持续更新。如果您想了解更多关于最新购买电动车的优惠政策咨询,欢迎bookmark 此页。
如果您想安装太阳能或者了解更多太阳能相关知识。 请联系Cindy.
Cindy Wang
代理SunPower, Sunrun 等知名太阳能品牌
Cell: (408) 210-0845
WeChat ID: yajwang9999